Beiträge von Erstui

    I think I was not clear enoth ;( ;( :D . I would like to know where I can ask for some help about the process of customizing a culture in the TDE system. There is no TDE material in my language yet, so I am afraid of doing it wrong and causing problems for my players in the long run. I would just like to know where I can talk about this, because even though I have searched many websites (where most of them I don't understand even half of what is said without the help of a translator) I haven't found any forum or article about this yet. Reading the core book I don't think that customizing cultures is a very arduous task, but I wouldn't want to take the risk.

    Sorry if I am taking too long on a subject that is not even the purpose of this forum, but since we are already here, I want to move towards a solution.

    Thank you very much in advance!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    And congratulations on all the work you've done with Optolith and the forum!!!! :!: :!: :!: :!:

    Wow, I definitely didn't expect such a quick response like that. Definitely my English knowledge is better than my German, sorry I couldn't find the forum in English. Anyway, you understood my message perfectly. I understand the complexity behind implementing an application like Optolith and I believe that currently it would not be ideal for me to manage such a fork on Github.

    So I would be happy just to know where I could request some assistance around here for this process of customizing a culture in TDE.

    Thank you for such a quick and enlightening reply.

    (Although I understand English better, it is still not my first language, so again apologies for any errors. I used Deepl this time). 🥳

    Helo! Ich bin neu im Forum und beginne mich mit TDA und Optolith auf den Weg zu machen. Ich würde gerne wissen, ob es eine Möglichkeit gibt, Urheberrechtskulturen in Optolith zu verwenden. Wenn nicht, würde ich gerne wissen, ob es möglich ist, zu informieren, wo sich die Optolith-Datenbank befindet, da ich einige Programmierkenntnisse habe und versuchen würde, meine Kulturen hinzuzufügen. (Ich bin kein Deutscher und verwende den Google Übersetzer, um diese Nachricht zu erstellen. Finden Sie mich auf Rechtschreibfehler heraus.)